At this time of year it’s worth remembering…what healthy people do and don’t do!

At this time of year it’s worth remembering…what healthy people do and don’t do!

by Dan Cassidy from LifeHack

Do you want to get healthier in 2014?

Are you tired of having low energy, a few extra pounds, or just not feeling as good as you know you should?

If so, there’s a couple ways to get healthier. The first is to do what healthy people do. Those are pretty simple though, right? Eat healthy foods. Exercise. Get enough sleep.

But another effective way to get healthier this year is to stop doing the things that healthy people don’t do. That’s right, if you want to lose a few inches off your waist, exercise more, and get more energy, cut out these behaviors and you’ll be well on your way to a healthier new you in the new year.

1. They don’t overeat.

The Japanese have a saying haru hachi bu, which loosely translated means to eat until you’re 80% full.

Well, it just so happens that the Japanese are some of the healthiest people on the planet. They eat a diet rich in vegetables & lean protein (mostly fish), and low in processed foods. But what may be more important than what they eat is how much they eat.

This flies in the face of what lots of us learned as kids. Remember your mother scolding you for leaving food on your plate, even though you didn’t want to eat anymore? Well that parental pushing may be part of the cause of our obesity crisis today.

But all is not lost. Just learn how to eat like the Japanese, and push away your plate when you’re 80% full. Try it for a week and I bet you’ll be slimmer and have more energy.

And call your mother while you’re at it…she misses you!

2. They don’t treat exercise as optional.

Healthy people view exercise as a mandatory part of their daily schedule, not a “maybe” to get to if they have time. They know that if they start missing a few workouts in a row, that can snowball into an unhealthy habit…and that’s something they won’t allow.

So how can you treat your workout as a must? First, schedule your workouts for the week and treat them like any other important appointment. Would you think about skipping a meeting with your boss, or doctor? We didn’t think so. Treat your workout as an appointment with someone even more important…your future self, and don’t ever skip out on it…

…keep reading more HERE