23 Dec Make 2014 a year of high self-esteem with these 10 things to say to yourself!
Most of us doubt ourselves some times.
Most of us are unduly hard on ourselves much of the time.
When we're self-critical we make it very difficult to enjoy happiness…and, therefore, success.
But with these 10 commitments you can boost your self-esteem and get on with life enjoying more happiness and success than you ever have before…
by Onder Hassan from LifeHack
Self-esteem is perhaps one of the most misunderstood elements that people fail to recognize. It often gets mistaken for self-confidence, and yet is one of the most important things to focus on to live a fulfilled life. Self-esteem is different, because it involves your core values and the inner workings of your mind that essentially define who you are. Self-confidence, on the other hand, is the belief you have in yourself that typically involves things you aren’t familiar with.
Improving your self-esteem is hard, as it’s never constant. However, there are a number of fundamental principles you can follow that will give you a good foundation to help improve it.
1. Don’t compromise on your happiness just to please others.
You have to be willing to stay true to yourself at all times. This includes not being afraid to speak your mind without fear of losing someone’s approval.
You begin to realize that there is really no reason for you to change yourself, since you are who you are. As long as you’re a nice person at heart and socially congruent, then there’s really no reason for someone to want you to change.
2. Become responsible for everything that happens in your life.
Looking at this in perspective, if there is anything in your life that you personally aren’t happy with, would you say it’s due to the things external to you or because of the decisions you made?
This is the first step to becoming conscious as you start looking at things in a more objective manner. Do you place blame on others or do you take responsibility?
Taking responsibility means one thing — you’re in complete control of the results you create in your outside world.
3. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.
Making mistakes is what we all have to go through if we’re to become better. Andrea Walz bases her book Go for No on this key principle. If you’re not failing, you’re not growing.
Be willing to embrace failure and to fail as fast as you can and as often as you can. The key difference between a success and a failure is due to this key point: a successful person isn’t afraid to try and fail…
…keep reading the full list of 10 happiness and self-esteem boosters HERE