23 Dec 20 things to keep you motivated!
With many people starting to contemplate New Year's Resolutions I thought this article, with 20 great tips for maximising and maintaining motivation, might be of interest…
by Lianne Martha Laroya for LifeHack
Motivation is something that needs to be replenished regularly. After all, you can’t maximize your motivation all the time. Can you? Well, it turns out that yes, you can actually maximize your motivation all the time. All it takes is a little dash of optimism, a whole lot of discipline and a hint of encouragement to get you started. To give you an idea, here are 20 ways you can keep your motivation levels at an all-time high:
1. Make your very own life journal.
A life journal is a document that contains your life goals, aspirations and dreams. What makes it different from a vision board is that it contains the steps you’re going to take to reach your dreams. A vision board is a cliché — it only reminds you of what you want. A life journal, on the other hand, shows you what you should do in order to get what you want in life.
2. Find your peak hours and take advantage of them.
Some articles would tell you to wake up early — but what if you’re actually a night owl? Instead of conforming to common rules, personalize your own productivity and maximize your motivation by knowing which time of day works best for you.
3. Start each day with a powerful phrase.
Don’t live your life away — live it with purpose by living according to your powerful phrase. It has to be something emotional, something urgent and something that can instantly make you want to get up when you hear it. Therefore, don’t just read motivational quotes. Make your own mantra as well.
4. Take a bath.
The way you handle yourself dictates the way you handle the rest of your day. If you can’t be bothered to shower, what makes you think that you can be bothered to pursue your life dreams?
5. Learn to organize energy, not time.
Time organization is limited – you can’t organize time because you can’t handle the way it’s distributed all throughout the day, right? Instead, organize your energy to maximize your motivation. You handle your own energy, so allocating it to specific tasks is much more manageable…
…keep reading the full list for maximum motivation and then, happiness and success – HERE