15 Oct Avoid these 9 mistakes and enjoy more happiness
by Lindsay Holmes from the Huffington Post
In her TED talk on the power of vulnerability, University of Houston research professor Brené Brown stated that running away from hard feelings is actually inhibiting our abilities to experience bliss. When we avoid difficult emotions, Brown said, "we numb joy, we numb gratitude [and] we numb happiness." Our natural tendency to avoid pain, in other words, could be the reason why we're not achieving ultimate contentment.
Brown's point poses a significant question: Are some of our coping mechanisms — even the small, daily habits we form — inadvertently standing in the way of our own happiness?
While incorporating "happiness" habits may be a manageable way to integrate joy into our lives every day, they could be doing more harm than good when it comes to our overall, longterm satisfaction — and we may not even realize it. Below, find the nine mistakes you're probably making that are detrimental to your overall happiness.
You're placing too much emphasis on fulfillment
You're keeping it all in
You're sharing too much
You're online all the time…
…keep reading HERE for the full list of mistakes and make sure you do what you can to avoid them so you then enjoy more happiness!