Make the world a better place. Ask someone if they’re OK today!

Make the world a better place. Ask someone if they’re OK today!

by @drhappy 

At work, at home, where ever you are…ask someone if they're OK today?

Mental health problems are extremely common. Depending on which statistics you read, and whether they're just focusing on depression, or anxiety, or psychoses or what ever…the reality is that a significant proportion of Australians (and, of course, others around the world) will suffer today and tomorrow and the next day. And those that aren't directly affected will almost certainly be indirectly affected by knowing someone who's suffering themselves. 

What's even more unfortunate is that some of these people will attempt to take their lives; and some will sadly succeed. 

But there's something, a relatively small thing, we can all do to help – we can ask someone (a friend or colleague) if they're OK. 

Here in Australia, Thursday September 12 is RUOK? Day. This day is organised by the RUOK? Day Foundation and according to their website (HERE)…

R U OK? Foundation is as a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to encouraging conversations to prevent suicide.

We are dedicated to encouraging and enabling all people to regularly and meaningfully ask ‘are you ok?’ of anyone struggling with life.

We were founded by Gavin Larkin in 2009.

Gavin wanted to create a world without suicide after experiencing the suicide death of his father, Barry Larkin.

R U OK?Day is a national day of action on the second Thursday of September (12 September 2013) and reminds people to regularly check in with family and friends.

Here at The Happiness Institute we want to promote happiness and positivity as widely as possible but it's hard to enjoy happiness while we, or others around us are suffering; so we're big supporters of this great initiative and we hope you'll get behind it too. 


Just take a minute today to ask someone that simple, but important question. 

Are you OK? 

If you're a bit unsure how to go about this then check out the RUOK?Day website where you'll find some great tips and resources and information – HERE 

Let's all step up on September 12 and look out for each other. So to get the conversation rolling…RUOK today?