24 Jul The Bank of Happiness – a definite Friday FeelGood Story
Too often we read too many negative news stories and too often it's too easy to feel hopeless and helpless, pessimistic and depressed. So one can either stop reading or watching the news OR find some of the many wonderful good news stories that our out there; and here's just one…
via the Huffington Post
When a Massachusetts woman needed help perfecting her English, she posted a simple six-word note online. Three eager fluent speakers willing to teach for free quickly responded to the call.
"Hi Mary, totally willing to help via email!" a man named Chris wrote back.
That’s how easy it is to get assistance, of nearly any kind, at the Bank of Happiness.
Formed five years ago by Airi Kivi, an Estonian-based psychologist, the bank serves as a portal for people around the world to post services they need and those they’re willing to deliver –- completely gratis. It mirrors the Craigslist platform, but only good deeds can be claimed and no money or credit is ever exchanged.
“We were inspired by the clear understanding that there is a gap in the society between humane caring and economic well-being,” Kivi wrote on the Bank of Happiness site. “We were then and are today convinced that the formula of happiness lies in noticing others. We feel that people want to help others, but often don't know how.”
To date, the bank has 2,000 users from Estonia and other countries, NPR reported…
…keep reading the full & original story HERE