02 Dec Happiness & wellbeing are contagious…so spread the love!
Your happiness & wellbeing affects the happiness & wellbeing of those around you! The following article looks at this in a workplace setting but the idea is just as important at home and everywhere…
by Jennifer Robison
"Leave your personal life at home when you come to work" might sound sensible, but it is totally unrealistic advice. Recent Gallup analysis shows that your wellbeing has an impact on the people you work with and on the people who work for you.
Emotion travels over social networks in much the same way viruses do.
Jim Harter, Ph.D., Gallup's chief scientist of workplace management and wellbeing, and Sangeeta Agrawal, a Gallup research manager, found clear connections in wellbeing levels among team members and between managers and those they manage. The study included 105 teams and 1,740 individuals whose wellbeing was measured in three six-month intervals. The average team size was 22 members, and the minimum team size was five members.
First, Harter and Agrawal found that wellbeing levels among team members were significantly connected to and dependent on the wellbeing of others on the team. The wellbeing connection within teams was significantly stronger than it was among employees who were not members of the same team.
Others have seen this kind of connection as well. Additional research, notably that of Nicholas Christakis, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., and James Fowler, Ph.D., shows that emotion travels over social networks in much the same way viruses do. "Based on this previous research, we expected to see that the wellbeing connection within teams would be much stronger than that among employees who were not members of the same team," Harter says. "But the surprising finding was that the relationship between supervisors' wellbeing and that of their direct reports grew substantially over time."
…keep reading the full & original article HERE