11 Sep 10 Steps to Finding Happiness within Imperfections
One of the greatest myths about happiness is that it's something you only experience when everything is just right, resolved, in place…perfect!
But this is what I call the tyranny of when…I'll be happy when!
We never get there; because life's not perfect…and it never will be.
I don't say this to be negative or pessimimstic but rather, to be realistic. Because I've no doubt at all that happiness is more likely if we realistially focus on and enjoy the positives in our lives AND realistically assess and deal constructively with the problems in our lives.
So coming to terms with imprerfection, within ourselves and within the world, is vitally important for real and meaningful happiness and today I'm happy to bring you 10 steps you can take to ensure you're happier despite life's challenges…
Be clear about who you are and be true to who you are – worry less about what others think and more about what's really important to you
Be kind to yourself – be realistic and allow yourself mistakes
Learn to bounce back – we all fall over at times but the strongest bounce back quickly by learning from their mistakes and moving forward as soon as they can
Practice appreciation and gratitude – you, and the world, might not be perfect but there's much that's positive in both on which to focus
Trust yourself and your feelings – be mindful of what you know to be right and stick to it regardless of any doubts or uncertaintees
Don't compare yourself to others – quite simply, it's meaningless and achieves nought that's positive
Take care of yourself – it's hard to be happy if you're sick and tired
Practice meditation and mindfulness – it will help minimise stress and anxiety and boost, also, happiness and positive emotion
Engage in meaningful work and work with meaning – having a clear purpose will help you foucs more on what you're achieving and less on the faults or imperfections that are part of all of our lives
Have fun along the way – happiness and playfulness don't need perfection but rather, an ability to find the beauty within mess and chaos!
So there you have it…10 simple steps to enjoy happiness despite imperfections within and without you. As always, I hope you find this interesting and more importantly, helpful. But it will only be helpful in the real world if you find ways to put this into practice. So go forth and take these 10 steps…and in the process I hope you enjoy more happiness : )
PS: If you live in Sydney you might like to consider coming along to a half-day workshop I'm running on Friday November 9 titled "Wabi Sabi: finding happiness by learning to live with and love imperfection" – CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO REGISTER
PPS: thanks go to Brene Brown whose book "The Gifts of Imperfection" I've found incredibly enjoyable, fantastically helpful and wonderfully inspiring.