3 simple strategies for more happiness at work

3 simple strategies for more happiness at work

Learn these strategies to make your employees happy, and extravagantly execute them. You'll create a better business.

by Margaret Heffernan for Inc.com

Most CEOs know that, if their workers are happy, they're also more productive. But how to make them happy is the challenge. Many take the goal too personally and try to build staff contentment through personal relationships. They get exhausted and find the strategy simply won't scale.

So what can you realistically pull off to make people happy at work?

Professional growth

People want to stretch, to develop their natural talents, feel their life has a narrative and is going somewhere. When they feel that they are growing, they may be exhausted but they're also inspired, energetic, and willing to take on a great deal. (That's one reason why investing in people can deliver a higher return that investing in new technology.) Anyone who reports to you (and anyone who reports to them) should have a professional development plan. That will keep everybody engaged, busy, and–eventually–happy.

Strong community

Everybody wants to be proud of where they work, to feel that they are investing the most precious thing they have–time–in something that matters. For some companies…

…keep reading the full and original article, including the 3rd strategy, HERE