05 Jul 12 ways to focus your life on love and happiness
Check out this interesting article from Marc & Angel Hack Life…
Today is a new day – a new beginning. You have been given this day to use as you please. You can waste it or you can use it for something worthwhile. Either way, what you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.
When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever. In its place will be something that you have left behind. Please, let it be something worthwhile. Let it be something that spreads love and happiness.
Here’s how:
Be kinder than necessary. – You will never fully understand some things until these things actually happen to you. So be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of unique battle. And remember, you will come across some people in life who always seem to create conflicts. When you meet them, smile and walk away. The battle they are fighting isn’t with you, it’s within them.
Put sincere effort into your relationships. – Don’t confuse the people who are always lingering around with the ones who are truly there. Good relationships don’t just happen, and they aren’t built solely on a foundation of convenience. They take time, patience, effort, and two people who want to be together and are willing to meet in the middle. Read The 5 Love Languages.
Remind your loved ones that you love them every chance you get. – It doesn’t always matter where you go, what you do, or how much you have. Sometimes all that matters is who you have beside you. So be grateful for the wonderful people in your life, and let them know how much they mean to you on a regular basis.
Stretch yourself, and make yourself proud. – You can’t grow unless you do. Yes, as you stretch you will feel some discomfort. You will have to deal with the pain of the unknown as you work new emotional and intellectual muscle groups. But don’t let that stop you. Far too many people are fearful of the unknown, comfy with putting in the least amount of effort, and not willing to put up with short-term pain for long-term gain. But not you – you know better. Stretch yourself, be all you can be and seize your true potential.
Let your tears nourish your healing. – If tears could talk, this is what they’d say: I am the raindrop that nourishes your healing. Open your door to me in times of angst. I will not stay forever. Only long enough to clear the path of debris so hope and joy can reach you. Only long enough to cleanse your eyes so your vision will be clear enough to recognize goodness when it comes.
…keep reading the full and original article, with the next 7 tips, HERE on Marc and Angel's site