Happiness is…thinking of babies in hats!

Happiness is…thinking of babies in hats!

Love this article from the Daily Mail Online (HERE)…

Taking brief moments to savour life helps patients make better decisions about their health, according to a new report.

Researchers said consciously thinking of happy thoughts as soon as you wake up has a therapeutic effect. They even offer examples including babies in hats and beautiful sunrises.

The approach was shown to be successful for patients with a variety of illnesses including coronary artery disease, high blood pressure and asthma – helping the patients to stick to their treatments.

The findings are detailed in three studies of 756 patients published online in the January 23 edition of the Archives of Internal Medicine.

They are the first large, randomised controlled trials to show that people can use positive thoughts and self-affirmation to help them make and sustain behaviour change.

The research was funded by a $9.5million contract from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health and led by Dr Mary Charlson, from Weill Cornell Medical College…

…keep reading the full and original happiness article HERE

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