Take the pledge to make the world a happier place

Take the pledge to make the world a happier place

from Joe Wilner and Psych Central

Dedicated researchers offer us empirical evidence about what we can do to enhance our positive emotions, find purpose and meaning, and ultimately increase our well-being.

Sharing this message with the general public so it can be applied requires social initiatives and organizations dedicated to this mission.

I recently came across one such organization that I am ecstatic to share with you!

The organization is called Action for Happiness, and is a movement of people committed to building a happier society.

As the site explains, they “want to see a fundamentally different way of life where people care less about what they can get for themselves and more about the happiness of others.”

The organization promotes the pledge, “I will try to create more happiness and less unhappiness in the world around me”

I feel that this is a wonderful mantra as we head into the New Year.

I recently registered on the site and took the pledge and would encourage anyone who connects with the message of making the world a happier place to do the same.

This organization is diligently engaging people in a mission to bring positive psychology principles to the general public. They provide numerous resources that can be utilized to enhance our personal well-being, as well as discovering ways to bring more happiness to others and grow a healthy and happy community.

If you want to make your workplace a more positive and productive environment you can find resources here.

Find resources for raising happy children and positive parenting.

Start taking immediate steps toward well-being by considering these 50 ways to take action for greater happiness.

You can also download a free workbook about 10 Keys to Happier Living.

If you have any interest in learning more about becoming a happiness activist explore here.

The site clearly reveals that we all have a role to play in raising the collective well-being of the world around us, and it offers numerous suggestions and steps to work toward this.

Help spread happiness by connecting with this cause…

…read the original article complete with hyperlinks to happiness sites etc HERE