03 Sep And One More Simple Strategy for finding happiness amidst chaos
Following on from yesterday's 7 simple happiness strategies…here's one more. I was thinking more about this concept and came up with this, the 8th simple strategy for finding happiness amidst the chaos:
Do the opposite to whatever you feel like doing!
Often, when we feel stressed or depressed we engage in self-defeating, unhelpful behaviours. When we're busy we decide not to exercise or meditate when these are the things we really should be doing.
When we're depressed we tend to isolate ourselves and turn away from family and friends and supports when all the research (and for most of us, experience) clearly indicates we'd be better off reaching out and connecting and talking and (dare I suggest it) hugging!
When we're anxious we tend to avoid the causes of our worries when again, there's no doubt we'd be better off confronting our fears.
So there it is; number 8…to find happiness amidst distress and disruption ask yourself what you feel like doing and do the exact opposite!
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