And now it’s time for the good news…

And now it’s time for the good news…

Too much negativity and misery does no one any good! In fact in the worst case scenario we can find ourselves experiencing depression and hopelessness and helplessness and ultimately, paralysis!

And if you read the papers and watch the news that's pretty much all you'll see; riots and murder, floods and famine, kidnaps and kids dying!

It's terribly sad but…it is, nevertheless, only part of the story. 

Now I'm not stupid enough to try to convince you that the world is perfect and I'm sure you're not niave enough to think that either but despite some of the attrocities taking place right now there are also, many wonderful people doing many wonderful deeds. 

To give you just a few examples…

I spent half a day last week teaching the principles of positive psychology to representatives of some of Australia's most inspirational not-for profits. Those in the room were helping everyone from pensioners to disadvantaged youth, the environment to the outcasts. 

I've also had several meetings this week planning some pro-bono work I'm going to do for a national organisation that focuses on fund raising to support research into breast cancer as well as awareness raising to ensure effective and early treatment. 

I've also recently read about the Londoners who organised themselves and who turned up, in the own time with their own brooms to clean up after the riots and help local businesspeople rebuild their shops. 

These people do these good deeds every day (often sacrificing income along the way) but receive litte recognition. By searching out for them and by acknowledging them we all benefit; we experience more happiness and appreciation for the world which then leads to more positive energy which then makes it more likely that we will engage in positive and constructive activities which then, in turn, brings more happiness to us and all those around us. 

So today's challenge to you is to seek out Good News Stories and share them with us all on our Facebook Page. Spread the word, tell your friends because the more searchers for and the more promoters of good news the better for us all…and for our happiness! 

Thanks in advance and looking forward to seeing what you find out there in this amazing and wonderful world…