If I were to put something outrageous like sex or chocolate into this heading would more people read my blog?

If I were to put something outrageous like sex or chocolate into this heading would more people read my blog?

I stumbled upon something the other day about using outrageous and "catchy" headlines to attract more readers to a blog or have more poeple forward a tweet. I guess this is consistent with the old adage…sex sells!

But as is my want, it got me thinking about the relevance to happiness. Not sex, necessarily, that's a whole different post! But being outrageous. 

Although my first reaction is that this is gimmicky, I also think there's something important here we should be careful not to overlook. 

Catchy headlines do, in fact, attract more readers; could, therefore, stand-out themes or goals attract more of our energy and, therefore, help us enjoy more success and happiness in life? 

I've thought quite a bit about this over the last few days and keep coming back to…yes, yes, yes! 

What if you were to phrase your goals in outrageous terms? What if you were to make your life exciting and keep it different and interesting? What if you were to apply this idea to your cooking and eating, your work and goals, your family and relationships? 

My thinking is that being outragreous attracts attention; attention draws in energy; energy leads to effort and performance and ultimately…results (such as happiness!). 

So I hope this headline attracted you but I hope even more so that this short posting has provoked your thinking and given you something to consider in terms of how you think about what you do and how you think about living your life. 

Maybe your new motto could be to…live happily and outrageously! 

Let us know what you think on The Happiness Institute's Facebook page