06 Jun Happiness is…putting the pieces of the puzzle together
Pondering the Pieces of the Puzzle…by Annika Howells
It’s not your birthday just yet – but I have a gift for you! It’s a jigsaw puzzle.
Before you roll up your sleeves and sit cross legged, I have to tell you about the twist- yes- there’s a twist. I want you to try completing this puzzle without knowing what the picture looks like, how many pieces the jigsaw has, or where the missing pieces are hidden.
You ask – How big is this jigsaw? How many pieces are missing? What should it look like? How long will it take? I will share the answers I have found since receiving the very same gift…
I started with only a few pieces; they were a unique combination of values and experiences made just for me. As I chose the pieces to add, a wonderful picture started taking form.
I have found that pieces, or even clues to the pieces, are hidden just about everywhere; in work, at school, at home, overseas, within the lyrics of a song, in the beauty of nature, a friend may hand me a missing piece (sometimes they even know exactly where it fits too), other times its a gift from a complete stranger.
Puzzle pieces appear when I least expect it, in the most unlikely of circumstance, at times when I’ve almost forgotten to look for clues. My jigsaw has no corners, it connects to the jigsaws of others and is part of a much bigger picture than I can imagine.
Sometimes I find I have a handful of pieces that don’t fit. I have blank spaces and without knowing what the picture is supposed to look like there, I try to fill it but the pieces I have don’t go there. I often step back, take a breather and admire the picture so far, reflect on what I have slotted into place, I may even visualize what the next part should look like which spurs me on.
A great positive feeling comes every time I do find a piece that fits, a connection and confirmation I am heading the right way. I acknowledge its importance and I am grateful. Intuition draws me to each hiding place or keeper, and as for those pieces that don’t fit – one day I will be the stranger passing them on to help someone else out.
Your puzzle and the pieces you choose are unique to you. As you click your shapes in to place, be mindful that we all have a contribution to make towards the bigger picture, so consider what that picture could look like. Take moments whenever you can to pause, and enjoy the masterpiece you are an important part of.
If you are feeling a little puzzled, start by thinking about what your picture looks like now. Which pieces did you start with? Where did you find more pieces? Who’s jigsaw does yours connect with and why?
Which pieces don’t fit and which pieces do?
And as always, we'd love to know your thoughts and we'd love to hear/read your ideas and responses to this piece on our Facebook page HERE