06 Apr A quick reminder…about our range of happiness reminders
There are so many ways to keep in touch with happiness…
…here at The Happiness Institute we're constantly looking for ways to spread the principles of positive psychology as widely as possible. Our raison d'etre is to try to help as many people as possible find happiness and live great lives.
To achieve this, we've developed a range of delivery methods and we thought it might be helpful to quickly remind you of all the various options so you can make sure you don't miss out on any happiness and/or select the most appropriate reminders for you.
So, here they are…
every Monday morning we send out a free eNewsletter packed full of happiness and positive psychology tips, book reviews, opinion pieces, relevant stories and quotes and much, much more. You can sign up on our home page at www.thehappinessinstitute.com
pretty much every day, sometimes multiple times each day, we post quotes and links, references and tips, video clips and all manner of interesting happiness "stuff" on our Facebook page HERE
We also post regular tips and happiness comments on Twitter HERE
And finally, for those of you who're specifically interested in weight management and/or dieting, check out The Happiness Diet website and/or The Happiness Diet Facebook page HERE
We very much hope you enjoy all our efforts to promote happiness far and wide, and we also invite you to less us know if there's anything else we can do to help you live a great life and find more happiness and wellbeing!