Boost your happiness and wellbeing with self-acceptance and more…

Boost your happiness and wellbeing with self-acceptance and more…

How to improve psychological well-being by Joe Wilner

Topics such as life-satisfaction and well-being are commonly considered in positive psychology and increasingly more in the mental health field. Measures of well-being offer the chance to uncover whether people are getting their overall needs met, and provide an overall sense of how happy, healthy, and prosperous someone is.

Though, well-being is much more multidimensional than simply being just happy, healthy, or successful.

Well-being is a concept that encompasses a well-rounded, balanced, and comprehensive experience of life. It includes health in social, physical, mental, emotional, career, and spiritual domains. When things aren’t going right in all of these areas we probably aren’t experiencing as much joy, serenity, and … as we could be, and may be experiencing greater stress, worry, and anxiety.

There are also different theories of well-being, which includes subjective well-being, or how much positive and negative affect we experience, as well as our level of life-satisfaction. This relates to if we’re happy in our current situation and at a place we want to be.

There is also psychological well-being, which is a more sustainable practice and character driven view of well-being.

Here are a few areas to focus on to increase psychological well-being.

Self-acceptance – A major source of well-being and living a happy life is self-acceptance, or the attitude we hold about ourselves. This relates to feeling satisfied with who you are, making peace with the past, and contentment with your current situation. Acceptance is about coming to terms with what we can’t change or control.

Self-growth – Growing as a person and expanding your knowledge is a never ending process. We can grow as people every day if we’re willing to be open to new experiences and seek out our potential. Self-growth is about taking a curious and interested view of life and seeking out opportunities to expand as a person…

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