Happiness is…making other people’s lives better

Happiness is…making other people’s lives better

For positive psychologists, it’s long been recognised that happiness comes from knowing that other people matter.

This now famous saying, attributed originally to Chris Peterson, is fundamentally important because within it we recognise that our happiness is not just about us; it is partly about us but it’s also about helping others find happiness and live good lives.

Now here at The Happiness Institute we do this for a living via our coaching and courses, events and seminars, consulting and writings. But you don’t have to be a qualified coach or psychologist to help others find happiness. You can jus as easily try or do some of the following…

  • randomly practice an act of kindness
  • generously give to someone less fortunate
  • offer assistance to colleagues or friends in need
  • bring humour and/or fun to any situation
  • provide or direct towards appropriate resources
  • share information (such as that on our website) and/or give relevant books or gifts
  • just telling someone you care and appreciate them

To be happy we need to care for ourselves because we can have happiness if we’re sick and tired; but to be happy we also need to care for others because without doing so happiness becomes selfishness!

Feel free to add in more ways to make other people’s lives better simply by joining in the discussion on our Facebook page : )