C’mon, get happy! Happiness is something you choose

C’mon, get happy! Happiness is something you choose

Check out my brief thoughts on happiness in the latest edition of Body & Soul Summer (the magazine)…

I believe happiness is something you CHOOSE, where _ã–choose_㝠is both a philosophy for taking responsibility but also an acronym that stands for 6 key positive psychology strategies. In turn, these are clarity (of purpose and direction); healthy living; optimism; others (because relationships matter); strengths (which are more important to focus on than weaknesses); and enjoyment (because life_ã_s too short not to have fun with). I try to remember to choose happiness as often as possible and guess what…it works!

PS: plus, I’ve also written a column on how to deal with breakups, how to get over a broken heart, how to end a relationship and how to build confidence…all important for long term happiness!