Finding happiness in the eye of the storm

Finding happiness in the eye of the storm

As I head out into a stormy Sydney day, and prepare for a busy day packed full of important challenges, I thought I’d pause to think for a minute or two about what I might be able to do to hold onto some happiness during the next 12 hours or so; and then I thought I’d share my thoughts with you…

  • if what you’re doing is right and if you’re truly focusing on real priorities then no matter how busy you are you’ll not lose touch with happiness and satisfaction, pride and even joy
  • if you remember to take a minute or two, here or there, to care for yourself then you’ll do what you need to do better and ultimately achieve more success and happiness
  • if you look for positives and approach difficulties constructively then happiness can remain in the picture even when times are tough
  • if you remember that you’re not alone, and that happiness is a team sport, you’ll reach out appropriately and utilise your support network
  • if you go with your strengths, using what you’re best at, then happiness and the best outcome will almost certainly be yours
  • and finally, if you remember to smile and have fun along the way, today is the only day of it’s type you’ll ever have, so enjoy it for what it is and find happiness where ever you can…

I hope this helps me today (!) and I hope, also, that it might help you today, tomorrow or sometime when you need it.

Dr. Happy : )
