5 Great Myths about Happiness!

5 Great Myths about Happiness!

Following on from the book review I published in this morning’s free eNewsletter (you can sign up at www.thehappinessinstitute.com), I thought I’d quickly list the 5 most common myths about happiness…

  1. Happiness is mostly due to external circumstances (such as income or wealth)…WRONG (it’s much more associated with our thoughts and relationships)
  2. Happiness is something you’re either born with or you’re not…MOSTLY WRONG (but partly right)
  3. Happiness levels cannot be changed (we all have a set point)…MOSTLY WRONG (we can all boost our happiness if we do the right things)
  4. Happiness should not be directly sought…WRONG (there’s no reason why happiness shouldn’t be an overarching goal)
  5. Happiness is a selfish endeavour…TOTALLY WRONG (real happiness is just as much about caring for others as it is about caring for ourselves)

Have you come across any myths or misconceptions about happiness? If so, let us know…or join in the discussion on our Facebook page (click here)
