6 S’s for happiness

6 S’s for happiness

Try these 6 activities/strategies, all starting with the letter “s”, if you want more happiness in your life…

  1. Set Specific goals – goals with meaning and purpose, but also with clarity and specificity
  2. Sew the seeds of goodness – practice acts of kindness, be generous and considerate, do good deeds
  3. Sleep well and rest up – happiness depends, at least partly, on living a full and active life but in order to do so successfully it’s also vitally important to switch off every now and then
  4. See a bright and positive future – build optimism and hope in your life as these are undoubtedly cornerstones of happiness and wellbeing
  5. Focus on strengths – don’t expend all your energy trying to fix weaknesses; contain them, for sure, but for real happiness and flow go with what you’re good at
  6. Be silly sometimes – life is far too important to take seriously!

What do you think? Let us know how you go but I believe that if you trial and apply these 6 S’s you’ll enjoy more happiness and flourishing in your life : )
