Happiness is, as happiness does

Happiness is, as happiness does

Achieving happiness requires nothing more than praticing a few simple disciplines every day…

This has been out motto at The Happiness Institute for a few years now which is why I was very interested when, this morning, I stumbled upon this fascinating quote from Henry Ford:

You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.

I couldn’t help but think that this also applies to happiness and that my modified version would be…

You can’t enjoy happiness if all you do is dream.

Dreams, intentions, plans and goals are important but if, as a youngster, you were told that “it’s the thought that counts” then please don’t forget that “actions speak louder than words”!

Planning and intending to do things is a good start; dreaming is a wonderful way to imagine a better future; but to achieve real happiness…you have to do what you have to do!
