More to the response to the attacks on positive psychology

More to the response to the attacks on positive psychology

Yesterday I provided an introduction and link to a well written defence to the attacks on the science of happiness, positive psychology.

Today, I invite you to read Ted’s follow up titled “More Reasons Barbara Ehrenreich Is Wrong About The Benefits of Optimism” which he begins with…

…In my last post, I noted that Barbara Ehrenreich_ã_s recent book, Bright-Sided, argues the _ã–costs_㝠of America_ã_s _ã–ideology_㝠of positive thinking. I believe her case on the cost side is unproven, but more importantly, she downplays other important aspects of the overall ledger.

The study of happiness and positive psychology is, I and many others believe, vitally important for our health and wellbeing as individuals, workers and members of communities. It’s important, therefore, to understand what’s really going on in the science AND in the critiques which means questioning the criticisms as rigorously as the studies.

To read more – click here