6 strategies for happiness this weekend

6 strategies for happiness this weekend

Here in Sydney, Australia, we’ve just ticked over into Friday afternoon; which means most people have probably started thinking about their weekends (if they weren’t already for the last few days!).

Here at The Happiness Institute we’re devoted to helping as many people as possible enjoy as much happiness as possible in their personal and working lives.

So, as a Friday afternoon gift to you we’re happy to suggest the following 6 tips for making this weekend, one filled with happiness and joy and satisfaction and pride!

  • plan as many pleasurable and satisfying activities as possible. This might sound obvious but in my experience, too many people let their weekends (and lives) drift by without really making the most of them
  • make sure your weekend activities involve spending time with other people; sure, it’s important to take care of your own needs and to enjoy your own pleasures but the currency of real happiness is connection…so give that long lost friend a call or book in a “date” with your long suffering partner!
  • Use your strengths to create a positive weekend full of happiness and fulfilment; what are you really great at and how can you utilise this to generate positivity over the next 48 hours or so
  • set yourself at least one challenging task to complete; although happiness comes from enjoying fun activities it can also come from completing something difficult or even crossing an unpleasant, but necessary task off your “to do” list
  • engage in at least a bit of exercise; there’s no doubt that rest is important, especially on weekends, but there’s also no doubt that activity and purposeful/healthy movement is a powerful mood booster
  • have fun! Do something, anything, that will make you laugh and sing, or dance and smile : )
