Happiness lessons…from my retreat

Happiness lessons…from my retreat

I’m currently on retreat with the rest of the faculty from the RMIT Master of Wellness course on which I teach Positive Psychology and Happiness. Being away for a few days with people I don’t know that well is atypical for me and in some ways, slightly uncomfortable. As usual, however, I try to look for positive lessons in all my experiences so here’s a few thoughts I’ve had so far…

  • getting out of your comfort zone is not a bad thing
  • opening up to new experiences is interesting and sometimes fun
  • absence (from my wife and children) makes the heart grow stronger
  • appreciate those close to you because when they’re not there…they’re not there
  • Don’t judge or assume, anyone or anything

There will, no doubt, be more interesting experiences over the next few days but for now I’m hoping that practicing a bit of what I preach might help me find happiness and satisfaction in ways I’d not previously thought possible.

Signing off for now hoping you all have lots of health and happiness in your lives…