Have a happy new year by avoiding a fixation on happiness!

Have a happy new year by avoiding a fixation on happiness!

Check out this interesting article from The Huffington Post

Hurray, it’s a new year and a new decade! At least symbolically this change is a great relief, for 2009 was a year that seems to have left its mark on many people still trying to come out of its abyss. Although the recognizable signs of the Spring season are not yet in the air, at least not in terms of the weather conditions (and yes, I know that the month of March is still down the road a bit), the emergence of 2010 portends Spring-like conditions ahead as we wave good-bye to last year’s trials and tribulations. In any event, this is how I prefer to look at this milestone change in the calendar and hope that you do too. Otherwise, the positive, inspiring words, “Happy New Year” sound pretty hollow as we ring in the new opportunities and challenges that await us.

Spring, as we know, is seen as a time of new life (both plant and animal) being born, as well as a time of growth and renewal. More generally, however, the Spring season is perceived as a metaphor for the start of better times. So let me suggest that we begin “Spring” early this year! And let’s proclaim that “tis the season” to be happy and truly optimistic about the future. By the looks on the happy faces of those who celebrated and watched the ball drop in Times Square on New Year’s Eve, there does appear to be a Spring-like optimism in the air as we begin 2010. Let’s hope that this positive attitude is contagious and sticks around!

Interested in reading more about happiness in the new year? Just click here
