The language of happiness

The language of happiness

Happiness is determined by interpretation which is determined by belief which is determined by language!

This is the conclusion arrived at by a scientist who’s research takes into account genetic and cultural influences. To cut a long story short, he argues that some cultures are more prone to happiness than others because of their language! This is fascinating and potentially important stuff…

In Psychology Today Steven Kotler writes about his concerns regarding the loss of certain habitats and forrests in some parts of the world be he states that…”We are not just losing plants and animals, we are, also, losing a key bit of information that could keep us happy in the face of tragedy. Considering how heavily medicated some of us currently are, this doesn_ã_t strike me as a loss we can particularly afford.”

If you’re interested in happiness, and not just happiness but the causes of happiness which according to this article include language and cultural beliefs then read more now – just click here