Happiness is…managing your mood

Happiness is…managing your mood

Mood Manager has had some important recent changes which we would like to bring your attention to.

The first major one is Mood Manager is now completely Free. If you have a current subscription please feel free to cancel it and you will retain your membership.

Secondly Mood Manager has started a Facebook Page and we encourage you all to Become a Fan as it will be one of the ways we will be keeping in touch with members and facilitators of Mood Manager.

To Become a fan please go to the Mood Manager Facebook Page.

If you haven’t used Mood Manager in a while please take a moment to check it out again as it has had several updates.

To go to mood manager click here

If you run an organisation, group or recovery program and would like to become a supporter of Mood Manager please check our the Mood Manager Supporters page.

Lastly if you have any feedback regarding the system please feel free to post it on the Facebook page or email me.

Wishing you all a wonderful day

Steve Goodwin
Mood Manager
