15 Sep Latest and greatest happiness stories
Clive Thompson wrote the recent New York Times story, Is Happiness Catching? focusing largely on the work of social scientists Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler. Their studies suggest you can catch not only happiness, but possibly obesity and smoking, or their healthy antitheses.
Thompson concludes his article with this:
…if you want to improve the world with your good behavior, math is on your side. For most of us, within three degrees we are connected to more than 1,000 people — all of whom we can theoretically help make healthier, fitter and happier just by our contagious example. “If someone tells you that you can influence 1,000 people,” Fowler said, “it changes your way of seeing the world.”
To read more about this happiness story and positive psychology research – click here
France wants happiness included in progress measures
As countries begin emerging from the global financial crisis, France is proposing to measure progress in a new way – one that includes happiness and well being, as well as traditional economic benchmarks.
To read more – click here
I hope you enjoy these stories and invite you to let us know, at any time, if you hear or read of anything that’s relevant to positive psychology, coaching or happiness so we can inform all our happiness community.