07 Sep Five surprising facts about happiness
Five Surprising Facts About Happiness
From www.happier.com
A wealth of research has been done over the past few years on happiness _ã_ why it_ã_s so important to be happy, how to measure your own happiness and of course, how to improve your own happiness. Yet we_ã_re all so busy on a day-to-day basis, that trying to focus on happiness can seem like a luxury.
It_ã_s important to know why happiness is such a big deal. Here are a few proven by- products of happiness that just might surprise you!
_㢠It feels good. Perhaps this is the most obvious benefit: it feels better day-to-day if you_ã_re happy than it does if you_ã_re unhappy. This benefit isn_ã_t just psychological _ã” happier people live better, and live longer.
_㢠Happier people do better in their jobs. A recent study found that happy people make more money and obtain better job performance reviews than do unhappy people.
_㢠Happier people are more creative. People who experience positive emotions on a regular basis are better at a wide variety of mental tasks that tap things like self-discipline, creativity, and decision-making.
_㢠Happier people are more resilient. People who are optimistic about the future, and about their ability to make an impact on their future, are better suited to persevere in the face of adversity and find opportunities for growth. It turns out that positive emotions are a key ingredient of resilience in the face of adversity.
_㢠Happier people have better relationships. Being happy makes people more interested in befriending you. When we are happy, we behave in certain ways that make people enjoy being around us more. The friends we already have will be more likely to stick with us when the chips are down if the chips aren_ã_t always down.