Happiness is being realistic

Happiness is being realistic

It’s a beautiful, but imperfect world

We live in incredible times in an incredible world.  There’s so much for which we can and should be grateful but that doesn’t mean we should look at the world, or expect others to be perfect, all the time.  This week’s tip from Dr. Happy shows how we can find happiness in the REAL world by embracing all of life’s good and bad.  Read on and enjoy this morning’s eNewsletter… 

Happiness is being realistic
Idealism and excessive positivity can, sometimes, be the enemies of happiness. How many times have you found yourself frustrated, disappointed or otherwise unhappy because things haven’t turned out the way you wanted them to?

Unrealistic expectations can cause much misery but the flip-side of this is that realistic expectations can provide a path to happiness.

But what’s realistic? We don’t want to set our goals too low and then just hit “okayness” but we don’t want to aim to high and fail either!

Getting this balance right is tricky but somehow or other we need to recognise that reality involves imperfections; reality is that things go wrong; reality includes the fact that none of us gets it right all the time.

So if you want happiness in your life then look at life realistically, and that means expect things to go wrong sometimes; expect stuff to break; expect that service will be poor on occasions, children and colleagues will misbehave or perform poorly and, accordingly, find yourself experiencing less disappointment and distress as you find yourself being let down less often.

And happiness is not just expecting things to go wrong it’s also, at times, savouring and enjoying life’s imperfections for all their beauty and glory!

Happiness in your workplace
We’re very excited to announce that Prof. Sharp is offering you and your organisation the opportunity to have him come and work with you to bring happiness into your team and/or business.  He only has the time to take on a few clients, but those organisations who get in quick will have Prof. Sharp (aka Dr. Happy) spend 12 months in their organisation training a select team of employees in the principles of positive psychology so that they can spread happiness throughout the whole business.

So if you want more happiness in your organisation then please send your expressions of interest to drhappy @ thehappinessinstitute.com and/or pass this on to your HR or L&D department. We look forward to hearing from you!

Happiness Clubs
The Happiness Institute is proud to be helping to coordinate the running of free happiness clubs around Australia and around the world!

These are informal gatherings, run by volunteers who are keen to meet with like minded people on a regular basis to talk about and hopefully find more happiness.

To see if there’s one in your local area – check out our “find a club” page

If there’s not, and you’d like to start your own club – email us here at The Happiness Institute