6 Steps to Becoming More Resilient

6 Steps to Becoming More Resilient

As I’ve noted many times previously, happiness is not just enjoying the good times it’s also getting through the tough times. With my free webinar on building resilience (see here) coming up in just a few weeks this article seemed to me to be a perfectly appropriate and relevant lead in…


That’s what I’m after.

To be able to find my balance after hitting a pot hole. To wake up with hope after enduring a series of frustrations. To look beyond the circumstances of my life in order to enjoy the moment.

Yes. I want to become more resilient. So it was with great interest that I read Robert Wick’s book, “Bounce: Living the Resilient Life.” Here are six of the suggestions he presents in his book. A professor of psychology at Loyola University, Maryland, Dr. Wicks is author of numerous books, including “Prayerfulness” that I featured earlier this year.

To read more about the 6 steps to becoming more resilient (and, therefore, have more happiness even during difficult times) – click here
