30 Jun Happiness Clubs
Hello Happy People!
We’re very excited to announce that we’ll now be coordinating the organisation of Happiness Clubs around Australasia. These will be moderated and facilitated by volunteers and offered for free!
That’s right, our goal is to build up a network of clubs anyone can attend all over Australasia at no cost.
You probably know how book clubs work; well, these will work in a similar way but instead of discussing books the focus will be exclusively on strategies for boosting happiness and living a good life. Different clubs will operate slightly differently but we’ll be recommending monthly gatherings and we’ll be providing specific “conversation starters”, activities and exercises to get the discussion going.
So, if you’d like to voluteer to run a happiness club in your local area, suburb, town, school or even within your organisation then please send a short application letter including some brief biographical details and noting why you’d like to be involved to drhappy@thehappinessinstitute.com.
If you’re not interesting in running a club but are interested in attending then please just wait…depending on the response to this invitation we hope to send out details of where you can attend meetings and groups in coming weeks.
So join in the happiness revolution and start a happiness club!