Propel yourself to happiness – with 6 positive psychology principles

Propel yourself to happiness – with 6 positive psychology principles

By TOM MUHA, For The Capital

When people think about losing weight, many consider it to be a losing battle. As they contemplate another attempt at slimming down, their mind automatically recalls all of their past failure experiences. These thoughts doom dieters from the beginning because it causes them to focus on all of their unsuccessful efforts.

What you think determines what you feel, and it’s your feelings that give you energy for taking action. So when you think about having been a failure you feel discouraged, your confidence sinks, and you lack the energy necessary for persevering until you achieve your goal.

My research at a major academic medical institution has convincingly demonstrated that significant change can be accomplished by learning to think about goals using six positive psychology principles.

To read more about finding happiness through the very same principles used in our approach to positive psychology coaching – click here