07 Nov Even the Wall Street Journal sees the benefits of happiness
It doesn’t have a place in accounting students’ spreadsheets or future venture capitalists’ portfolios. But at business schools on both sides of the Atlantic, professors are increasingly studying and teaching about an intangible they say is nonetheless a key part of the modern bottom line — happiness.
Economists, psychologists, sociologists and others trying to untangle the relationship between wealth and emotional well-being have found a home in business schools in the U.S. and Britain. They say the schools, more interdisciplinary and open-minded than many other parts of academe, are the perfect place to examine that connection.
There are good economic reasons to try to understand what causes happiness, says Michael Norton, a psychologist and marketing professor at Harvard Business School.
To read more about the relationship between health, happiness, positive psychology and business – click here
And to find out more about my Professorial role at the UTS Business School and how I’m working with organisations and businesses to improve happiness, morale, engagement and productivity by applying the principles of positive psychology…please feel free to make contact