15 Oct Today’s Happiness News Stories
We’ve all heard that happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have. Easier said than done, right? Texas Tech University psychologist Jeff Larsen and Amie McKibban of Wichita State University put it to the test.
Simply having a bunch of things is not the key to happiness,” Larsen said. “Our data shows that you also need to appreciate those things you have. It’s also important to keep your desire for things you don’t own in check.”
To read more about “happiness is wanting what you have” – click here
We measure economic growth, housing starts, average wages and virtually every kind of economic statistic you can name. Why not happiness? It’s surely as important for governments to consider our collective happiness in developing policies and charting a course for the future.
The Victoria Foundation and seven other organizations are talking the first effort at measuring happiness in this region as a spinoff of the useful Vital Signs reports, which assess progress on a range of social and economic issues.
You can’t manage what you can’t measure, the business gurus are fond of saying. If you can’t find some way to measure progress toward — or away from — goals, then you can’t judge what works and whether your efforts are effective. That’s as true for happiness as it is for any other goal.
To read more about making happiness a goal – click here