Illusion Vs. Reality: Age-related Differences In Expectations For Future Happiness

Illusion Vs. Reality: Age-related Differences In Expectations For Future Happiness

ScienceDaily (Sep. 14, 2008)

Albert Einstein once quipped, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” The famous scientist might have added that the illusion of reality shifts over time. According to a new Brandeis University study, age influences how we perceive the future.

When thinking about the future, some people seem pessimistic, while others’ optimism seems to border on fantasy. Whether a person is naturally a pessimist or an optimist, the study suggests there are other factors at work in determining the way people consider how satisfying their future lives may be.

Brandeis University psychologist Margie Lachman along with Christina RêÑÔ_cke, University of Zurich, Christopher Rosnick, Southern Illinois University, and Carol Ryff, University of Wisconsin, wanted to see if there were differences in actual and perceived ratings of how satisfied Americans were with their lives over a nine-year period. To test this idea, the researchers conducted two surveys, the first in 1995-1996, and the second nine years later, between 2004 and 2006.

To read more about future happiness expectations – click here