06 Jun Happiness – in 8 simple steps
Gretchen Rubin, over at the Happiness Project, frequently publishes useful lists and practical tips for happiness. Today, she’s done it again…
Eight tips for making yourself happier IN THE NEXT HOUR.
Every Wednesday is Tip Day.
This Wednesday: Eight tips for making yourself happier in the next hour.
You can make yourself happier – and this doesn”t have to be a long-term ambition.
Over the long term, habits like getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and making time for friends and family make a huge difference to your happiness. But if you”re experiencing a blues emergency, you can lift your spirits right now by using some of the following strategies. The more items you tackle, the bigger the boost you”ll receive.
When you”re feeling blue, it can be hard to muster up the physical and mental energy to do the things that make you happier. Plunking down in front of the TV or digging into a tub of ice cream seems like an easier fix.
However, research shows (and you know it’s true) that these aren”t the routes to feeling better. In the next hour, check off as many of the following items as possible. Each of these accomplishments will lift your mood, as will the mere fact that you”ve tackled and achieved some concrete goals.
To read more – click here