06 Jun Happiness at work
WHAT makes you happy at work? Is it the money, the company, the work life balance or the perks?
A British happiness survey has come up with some surprising results — the most interesting of which is that financial rewards bear very little relationship to happiness at work.
Surprisingly, the happiest and most contented workers were beauty therapists, hairdressers and members of the defence forces.
By contrast, the much higher paid jobs in information technology, banking, finance, building and construction are at the other end of the scale with the unhappiest workers.
Joining them are nurses, who probably get the booby prize of lower wages and lousy job satisfaction.
The survey suggests that the main factors in being happy at work are having an interest in what you do, a good work-life balance and friendly colleagues.
To find out about The Happiness Institute’s Happiness @ Work Index – email info@thehappinessinstitute.com
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