Happiness – the role of religion, education and more

Happiness – the role of religion, education and more

ROCHESTER, N.Y., Apr 23, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) — While Harris Poll #46 reported how happy certain groups of Americans are, Harris Poll #47 looks more into some possible reasons for this happiness, or lack of happiness. Religious people are significantly happier than the non-religious, worry less about their health, and find less frustration with their work. However, religion is not the only place where Americans experience a wide divide in their happiness. Higher education is correlated with higher happiness, older people are happier than younger, and people who rarely feel pressured to act unethically are happier than people who experience such pressures.

Following are some of the findings of a Harris Poll of 2,513 adults surveyed online between March 11 and 18, 2008 by Harris Interactive(R: 65.72, +0.49, +0.75%). This survey was conceived and developed by Harris Interactive and was not commissioned by any organization. Harris Interactive worked closely with MBA students at the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University in developing the survey questions and in the analysis of the results.

To read more about the correlates of happiness – click here