29 Feb Happiness at work
I was lucky enough to spend some one-on-one time with Marty Seligman a few weeks ago and enjoyed hearing that what we’re doing here at The Happiness Institute is pretty much cutting-edge. The article below refers to his happiness at work presentations so if you’re interested in reading more…
Thinking positive boosts bottom line
BUSINESS LIFE: Ruth Ostrow | February 29, 2008
The Australian
They have come as members of the Australian Institute of Management to hear advice on how to be more effective in business, but not from a sales guru. They’re here to listen to one of the great thought leaders of our time; father of the positive psychology movement; Mr Happiness himself, author of the best-seller, Learned Optimism, Dr Martin Seligman PhD.
“I am a recovering pessimist,” the avuncular Seligman announces to a packed house, to chuckles and applause. “Through learned optimism I have worked out that I can be measurably more successful than I would ordinarily be. Positive thinking and happiness is not simply New Age, it is good for the bottom line.”
And to find out what we can do to help you apply the proven principles of positive psychology, and to boost happiness in your workplace, email info@thehappinessinstitute.com and/or call 02 9221 3306. We’ve worked with some of Australia’s leading companies (including Westpac, AMP, Nutricia, the CEO Forum and more) and would love to help you introduce more happiness (and morale and engagement) in your organisation.