The world’s shortest happiness “to do” list

The world’s shortest happiness “to do” list

Just a week or so ago I read an interesting article, aimed at small business owners, which touched on “to do” lists and how long and cumbersome they sometimes become.

Well, it inspired me to provide this – the happiness “to do” list with only two things to do!

1. First – think of one thing you can do right now that would enhance your happiness.

2. Second – do it.

Some times we over-complicate things and many times we procrastinate. Happiness is one of those things that’s often (unnecessarily) over anaylysed and considered more difficult than it need be; further, happiness is one of those things that’s often considered achievable only in the future (I call this the tyranny of “when” as in “I’ll be happy when…”). I know not everyone finds happiness easy to achieve but I also know that if we do the right sorts of things we can all have more of it.

So get to it – put together your two-item happiness “to do” list and get cracking with step 2 as soon as possible!

PS: if you’re struggling to find the motivation to “get to it” you might want to consider seeking help to improve your mood so you can then do what you need to do to be happy. If you live in Sydney and think you could benefit from the professional assistance of an expert clinical psychologist then call 9221 3306 (and remember, clinical psychology services now receive a significant rebate through Medicare). Alternatively, you might like to check out for a proven and effective self-help option.