16 Nov Happiness at work
Survey shows employers use coaching and mentoring to retain high-potential, front-line workers
Employers are using coaching and mentoring more often as ways to retain high-potential and front-line employees, according to a survey on the most popular ways to retain these types of employees conducted by ClearRock, an outplacement and executive coaching firm headquartered in Boston. In addition, monetary incentives such as better compensation and benefits are also a top retention method for high-potential and front-line employees, according to the survey.
High-potential employees are workers who employers have identified as future leaders based on their background, testing, and performance. Front-line employees are workers who are usually a customer’s first contact with a business, such as salespersons, customer service representatives and other sales and support staff.
The top five ways employers are trying to retain high-potential employees are: selecting them more carefully (63 percent), providing better training (61 percent), coaching (54 percent), better compensation and benefits (52 percent) and improved orientation and assimilation programs (51 percent). The top five methods employers are using to retain front-line employees are: selecting them more carefully (69 percent), better orientation and assimilation programs (57 percent), exit interviews (56 percent), improved training (54 percent) and better compensation and benefits (44 percent).
To read the remainder of this story, and to find out more about how coaching can help retain employees in part by enhancing their happiness – click here.