05 Jul Chasing happiness
As many of you would know, July 4 is (in the USA) Independence Day and as I understand it, this is a day of celebration. It’s also a day in which the Decleration of Independence is remembered including, its famous “right to pursue happiness”.
The following text is the beginning of an article that describes several happiness stories. Read on – I hope you find it interesting and enjoyable.
Matthew Eisley and Todd Silberman, Staff Writers
Our national day of commemoration isn’t just about overeating, playing patriotic music, flying flags and watching rockets’ red glare. It calls to mind deeper impulses: our universal desires for contentment, a safe home and a good life.
It’s right there in the Declaration of Independence — the right to pursue happiness — the perpetual urge that has brought so many people to the Triangle.
What they have found is that happiness often comes hard, at a price and in forms they didn’t expect. It has forced them to reassess and redefine that elusive quality.
For Mawuena Pethos, the American dream was a step down. For the Schultzes, a layoff forced them to find fulfillment in a new business. Three women seeking different answers found a spiritual connection in their faith.
Here some of their stories.