19 Jun Happiness & its Causes – the role of relationships
Among other things the role of relationships and love and desire and attachment were all discussed in terms of how, if at all, they contribute to happiness.
To be perfectly honest, I didn’t think these sesions were as informative or as inspiring as some of the others but I do very much think that building positive relationships (with all those in our lives) is vitally important to happiness.
And as I was listening and thinking I developed the following happiness at work model for loving your work:
L = laughing and playing and having fun … all important components of happiness in any context as far as I’m concerned
O = optimistic thinking … undoubtedly one of the most important contributors to happiness and as well as something that leads to positive emotion it is, in addition, an enhancer of resilience which helps through difficult times
V = vitality and energy … developing positive energy in a workplace is obviously important for happiness and can be achieved via healthy activities as well as those that eliminate causes of languishing and suffering
E = empathy for others … which includes building positive relationships, being compassionate, helping colleagues and recognising strengths in others
I’d love to know what you think of this happiness at work model (which clearly could also be applied in other contexts as well).