New Study Indicates 1/3 To 1/2 Of Our Happiness Is Based On Our Genes

New Study Indicates 1/3 To 1/2 Of Our Happiness Is Based On Our Genes

A new study indicates that one-third to one-half of our happiness is based on our genes. Attempts to change or control this part of our makeup may be impossible, according to a report of the study by Discovery News.

You can click here to read more of this happiness article but these findings are not, actually, that new!

We’ve known this for quite a few years now and unfortunately, many people try to use these findings to assert that your happiness is ‘set”. This is unfortunate and, I believe, quite misleading.

Because if 1/3 to 1/2 of happiness is based on our genes then that also means that 1/2 to 2/3 is NOT based on our genes – so 50-66% of our happiness is not genetically predetermined and, therefore, at least partially under our control!

Happiness is about focusing on what you can control and accepting what you can’t control – so focus on the 50-66% of your happiness that’s under your control and accept the rest.