A reasonably good description of life coaching

A reasonably good description of life coaching

Life sometimes gets in the way of a better life.

Sound like a contradiction? Let’s analyze. Everyday life is often hectic. We juggle job, family, relationships, responsibilities, our own well-being and the list goes on.

Things get in the way of our goals of having a better job or career, finding balance between aspects like career and family, finding meaning in our life or whatever our particular situation may be.

It can be hard to discuss sometimes with family or friends to discuss any important issues. Enter the life coach.

Sometimes a total stranger can help focus us on a goal. “I call it easier and accelerated growth,” says associate certified coach Anne Kelly of A New Leaf Coaching. “I help the client identify a goal, focus on it, and identify the steps needed to achieve that goal or growth in a particular area.”

She says having a life coach consult with someone helps that person get more clarity through a series of question and answer sessions and exercises.

To find out more about The Happiness Institute’s life coaching options please call 02 9221 3306, email info@thehappinessinstitute.com or visit http://www.thehappinessinstitute.com/events.

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