23 Jan Happiness – the best resolution
It’s a new year.
It’s time to dust off those running shoes, throw away the junk food, and find the instruction manual to that treadmill you bought last January. Above all, it’s time to begin promising yourself how much better the world will be with you in it this year. But, is this the only way to do it?
Along with millions of other Americans, I too have found myself with thoughts of a ‘resolution’ to begin my 2007. Whether it is to lose a few pounds, minimize swearing, or wake up for class, I am willing to bet that the number of college students to actually stick with their resolution until the end of December is few and far between.
It seems that the resolutions have a negative apprehension, and we believe we have been “bad,” using this time to make up for it. For instance, when the resolutions first began with the Babylonians, the goal was to make sure to return borrowed farm equipment!
But resolutions can and should be so much more than this – more positive and more directly linked to our happiness.